These pictures go along with my artist statement, they are different emotions, they make you feel different when you look at them. They have different characteristics and looks so different people could see different things. Human emotions is what tie us together, the thing that we all have in common, so i thought it would be a good idea to relate this into pictures. This is only the start, a few pictures here and there. There will be more!
This shot was a new place to shoot for me it helped me realize that the studio isn't the only place to shoot, my model was very cooperative and he could even cry without really trying. He is a good friend and good person and he knew what i was looking for when i asked him to be my model, this location is at my school right by our darkroom and the flowers added an eery feel to the picture and i love it! He has very intense emotions and you can tell what he is feeling. The border frames his nicely and the flowers compliment his mood.