Tuesday, December 15, 2009
I play the strings of Longetivity
Mouse House
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
More Pictures

Friday, November 20, 2009
My Environments

But not always..... haha ;D
Love you Ms. Miles...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Someone knows who I am again

Enviornmental Picture

Friday, October 30, 2009

Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Killing Time
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Test Skudd for Photography!

Well that's Norwegian for Test shot!
Well this was a very special shot for me
Because I am incorporating music and emotions into my pictures.
If you watch the movie punch drunk love it has a lot to do with emotions and colors
and i'm trying to reinvent this idea.
By putting lyrics into my pictures in different ways and portraying my emotions on the picture as well.
This was a very fun shot I actually took this picture with my 35mm Minolta film camera and then painted on it and put lyrics on it.
Then i took a picture of a picture to post it here for my lovely audience.!
Expect more in the future!
Bon voyage
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Alter Ego's

Well this assignment was tough, first I had to think of stuff that describes me and then I had to decide what was opposite and if I really did those things.
So I'm usually a happy person so I thought I would portray anger in a photo.
And then I did my regular peppy spunky self.
And then I did a b/w sadness, hopeless picture.
And the last one i was stuck on I was like what have I done around my friends that I usually wouldn't of done around someone else.
So one time I did smoke with my friend despite better judgement.
So I took a picture of that too.
I did most of the photos by myself because I think I work better alone because I know how i want it to look.
But overall this assignment was challenging and enjoyable
i loved doing the anger photo.
Filters= love <33
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Flightless Bird American Mouth by Iron and Wine

I really love this song.
I was a quick wet boy, diving too deep for coins
I was a quick wet boy, diving too deep for coins
All of your street light eyes wide on my plastic toys
Then when the cops closed the fair, I cut my long baby hair
Stole me a dog-eared map and called for you everywhere
Have I found you Flightless bird, jealous, weeping or lost you, american mouth
Big pill looming
Now I'm a fat house cat
Nursing my sore blunt tongue
Watching the warm poison rats curl through the wide fence cracks
Pissing on magazine photos
Those fishing lures thrown in the cold And clean blood of Christ mountain stream
Have I found you Flightless bird, grounded, bleeding or lost you, american mouth
Big pill stuck going down.
Friday, May 22, 2009
I'm done with the 10 pictures for theme.

MY theme is the elements minus one and plus one.
The element I took out was WIND
because I don't know how to portray that but If I find a way I'll add it to my pictures.
My model in this picture to the left in Olivia she was a very good model to work with.She added her own flavor to the picture, and she makes me laugh when I am trying to take her picture.
Some of the pictures came out blurry because I was laughing.
The next one is water drawn on to a piece of paper, water can come in many forms even handdrawn.
The next picture was my friend Tashia ,I picked her because she has a very fierce look and attitude and I like her clothes .
She was an absolute joy to work with because if you told her to do something with her face she does it and it makes it easier on me because then i just have to pick the right angle to portray the picture how i want it to look. I would recommend her as a model because she is nice and she loves taking pictures!
And I picked these photos because you can have a fire( passion) for instruments
or it could be just fiery photos ...YOU pick. The light bulb of course you know is my LIGHT because what else is light?
I picked the lighttable in my photo class because the bulb as you can see is unscrewed and the light is shining in the background. it is kind of a ironic picture with a classic feel.
Fancy maybe?
The next one is the EARTH as you can read. But in the letters is the greenery and what you would imagine when I said the word " EARTH"
So I did just that I said what comes to mind when I say EARTH
WELL flowers and trees
so i put flower petals
and as you can see I could not fit a tree so I put branches and leaves.
On the last two I put the pine needles and what was supposed to be water.
Anyways this has been a very enjoyable photoshoot and I am extremely pleased with how these photos came out.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Nature assignment

Shakespeare assignment

This assignment was difficult to understand but your passion in life isn't always going to be easy, you have to push yourself past the hard things to create beautiful ones. The shakespeare assignment was interesting, I had to think about what the quote meant to me and how it could be photographed. I think that this photograph pictures my interpretation of this quote perfectly, I purposely blurred the background, because the quote said " we all have our exits and entrances" and the blurred leafs are exiting the stage and the brand new green budding leaves are entering the stage. It's their time to shine, because once the exiting leaves were on center stage, but now it is their time to exit and let someone else be center stage. And you never know what could happen to the leaves, they could continue budding and turn into very green beautiful leaves or they could die, or be burned, or not have enough water. This photo speaks to me, it makes me understand this quote better.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Portrait with Still Life
Monday, March 2, 2009
6 in 6 weeks DIMENSIONS

Well this was hard in the beginning because I had no idea what to do. I didn't know what to put for my theme. I was thinking about stereotypes but I didn't want it to be cliche. So one day i was playing with a lighter and mirrors and i decided that was my theme. Because I could get so many good pictures just from using dimension. So here are some of my pictures. This one on the left is one of my favorites because I actually didn't plan it to be such a good shot. I was trying to make the photo interesting and I tried to get my face in, but I shifted and it came out great. The ones in the middle is my all time favorites because I was trying to get as many dimensions in the picture as possible. I really like the old feel I added to them. Especially the one on the truck it kind of made me feel like I was trapped on the outside. And the other ones are really nice. Hard to photoshop...lol.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Ghost in the Rain

So i took a photoshoot of myself ....I have changed my mind on my theme so many times because i'm so unsure of what to do, because i'm limited. So i think i have decided on dimensions of myself. Or dimension of people.
Such as taking pictures of people taking pictures.
Or taking a picture of myself in two mirrors.
But i also did a recent photoshoot which i'd like to share.
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